Emergency Fund for the Soldiers
Since the war came on suddenly, many soldiers didn’t pack enough toiletries, and the army catering isn’t properly prepared to feed everyone. The residents of Kochav Hashachar are bringing basics such as deodorant, wipes, tissues, and food to the many bases in the area. The money coming in through this link will go to the local Kochav Hashachar makolet ( mini market) to pay for the food items needed by caterers and pre-approved residents who are cooking and baking for the soldiers in the area, and to purchase toiletries and necessities requested by the soldiers. If the war ends suddenly ( B’eezrat Hashem), the money that came through this link will be used towards equipment for the Kochav Hashachar medical first response team and/or the Kochav Hashachar volunteer first-line-of-defense team.